vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011
marți, 25 octombrie 2011
luni, 24 octombrie 2011
vineri, 21 octombrie 2011
sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011
vineri, 14 octombrie 2011
joi, 6 octombrie 2011
luni, 3 octombrie 2011
vineri, 23 septembrie 2011
luni, 19 septembrie 2011
sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011
marți, 6 septembrie 2011
joi, 1 septembrie 2011
duminică, 28 august 2011
vineri, 19 august 2011
vineri, 12 august 2011
joi, 11 august 2011
duminică, 7 august 2011
vineri, 5 august 2011
miercuri, 3 august 2011
marți, 2 august 2011
Laptop HP G62-a05SQ cu procesor AMD Athlon TM II Dual-Core P320 2.1GHz, 3GB, 500GB, ATI Mobility Radeon TM HD 545v 512MB, Negru
marți, 26 iulie 2011
luni, 25 iulie 2011
miercuri, 20 iulie 2011
luni, 18 iulie 2011
sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2011
joi, 14 iulie 2011
miercuri, 13 iulie 2011
luni, 11 iulie 2011
duminică, 10 iulie 2011
sâmbătă, 9 iulie 2011
Razboi impotriva fetelor
Mara Hvistendahl is worried about girls. Not in any political, moral or cultural sense but as an existential matter. She is right to be. In China, India and numerous other countries (both developing and developed), there are many more men than women, the result of systematic campaigns against baby girls.
In nature, 105 boys are born for every 100 girls. This ratio is biologically ironclad. Between 104 and 106 is the normal range, and that's as far as the natural window goes. Any other number is the result of unnatural events.
Yet today in India there are 112 boys born for every 100 girls. In China, the number is 121-though plenty of Chinese towns are over the 150 mark. China's and India's populations are mammoth enough that their outlying sex ratios have skewed the global average to a biologically impossible 107. But the imbalance is not only in Asia. Azerbaijan stands at 115, Georgia at 118 and Armenia at 120.
What is causing the skewed ratio: abortion. If the male number in the sex ratio is above 106, it means that couples are having abortions when they find out the mother is carrying a girl. By Ms. Hvistendahl's counting, there have been so many sex-selective abortions in the past three decades that 163 million girls, who by biological averages should have been born, are missing from the world. Moral horror aside, this is likely to be of very large consequence.
Yet today in India there are 112 boys born for every 100 girls. In China, the number is 121-though plenty of Chinese towns are over the 150 mark. China's and India's populations are mammoth enough that their outlying sex ratios have skewed the global average to a biologically impossible 107. But the imbalance is not only in Asia. Azerbaijan stands at 115, Georgia at 118 and Armenia at 120.
What is causing the skewed ratio: abortion. If the male number in the sex ratio is above 106, it means that couples are having abortions when they find out the mother is carrying a girl. By Ms. Hvistendahl's counting, there have been so many sex-selective abortions in the past three decades that 163 million girls, who by biological averages should have been born, are missing from the world. Moral horror aside, this is likely to be of very large consequence.
In the mid-1970s, amniocentesis, which reveals the sex of a baby in utero, became available in developing countries. Originally meant to test for fetal abnormalities, by the 1980s it was known as the "sex test" in India and other places where parents put a premium on sons. When amnio was replaced by the cheaper and less invasive ultrasound, it meant that most couples who wanted a baby boy could know ahead of time if they were going to have one and, if they were not, do something about it. "Better 500 rupees now than 5,000 later," reads one ad put out by an Indian clinic, a reference to the price of a sex test versus the cost of a dowry.
Ms. Hvistendahl argues that such imbalances are portents of Very Bad Things to come. "Historically, societies in which men substantially outnumber women are not nice places to live," she writes. "Often they are unstable. Sometimes they are violent."
There is indeed compelling evidence of a link between sex ratios and violence. High sex ratios mean that a society is going to have "surplus men"-that is, men with no hope of marrying because there are not enough women. Such men accumulate in the lower classes, where risks of violence are already elevated. And unmarried men with limited incomes tend to make trouble. In Chinese provinces where the sex ratio has spiked, a crime wave has followed. Today in India, the best predictor of violence and crime for any given area is not income but sex ratio.
vineri, 8 iulie 2011
joi, 7 iulie 2011
marți, 5 iulie 2011
luni, 4 iulie 2011
duminică, 3 iulie 2011
“Try to explain it [the doctrine of the triunity of God], and you‟ll lose your mind; But try to deny it, and you‟ll lose your soul.”
(source unknown, quoted in C. Samuel Storms, The Grandeur of God, p. 56)
(source unknown, quoted in C. Samuel Storms, The Grandeur of God, p. 56)
sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2011
Guvernatorul Texasului Proclameaza o zi de post si rugaciune pe baza Cartii lui IOEL
Texas Governor Rick Perry has called a day of prayer and fasting based on the Book of Joel. He issued a proclamation to the citizens of Texas, and sent a letter to his 49 fellow governors asking them to participate in the event, which will be held August 6th at Reliant Stadium in Houston. I couldn’t agree more with the urgency of the need for national prayer, fasting and repentance for a true spiritual revival in the United States based on the Bible, or be more encouraged than an American state leader urging people to study and follow the teachings of the Hebrew Prophet Joel. I’m planning to devote August 6th to prayer and fasting, and I encourage you to do so, as well. Excerpts from his proclamation: “Given the trials that have beset our country and world — from the global economic downturn to natural disasters, the lingering danger of terrorism and wars that endanger our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and theaters of conflict around the globe, and the decline of our culture in the context of the demise of families — it seems imperative that the people of our nation should once again join together for a solemn day of prayer and fasting on behalf of our troubled nation,” wrote the Governor. “In times of trouble, even those who have been granted power by the people must turn to God in humility for wisdom, mercy and direction. In the spirit of the Book of Joel, Chapter 2, Verses 15-16, I urge a solemn gathering of prayer and fasting. As those verses admonish: ‘Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly…Gather the people, consecrate the assembly…’ As Jesus prayed publicly for the benefit of others in John 11:41-42, so should we express our faith in this way.”
vineri, 1 iulie 2011
Romanian engineering - ingineria romaneasca
Poate v-ati intrebat vreodata de ce in Romania casele/apartamentele au peretii strimbi, de ce nu gasesti o linie cu adevarat dreapta intr-o margine bordurata de drum, de ce Brasovul se transforma in Venetia la orice ploaie sau de ce orice obiect construit in tara asta -conceput si lucrat de noi- nu este niciodata PERFECT ci numai APROXIMATIV.
Daca v-ati intrebat vreodata retoric, vexati fiind de treaba asta niciodata terminata, va sugerez eu un raspuns: Calitatea, mereu ridicata in slavi a invatamintului romanesc, scirtiie grozav pe la cotituri. Trebuie numai sa ai un ochi antrenat intr-o tara mai nordica si nu ai cum sa nu vezi "boemia" inginerului sau arhitectului roman.
Daca v-ati intrebat vreodata retoric, vexati fiind de treaba asta niciodata terminata, va sugerez eu un raspuns: Calitatea, mereu ridicata in slavi a invatamintului romanesc, scirtiie grozav pe la cotituri. Trebuie numai sa ai un ochi antrenat intr-o tara mai nordica si nu ai cum sa nu vezi "boemia" inginerului sau arhitectului roman.
miercuri, 29 iunie 2011
o minciuna frumos impachetata
Foarte dragut spotul. Pacat ca e vorba de o minciuna. Nu Co2 de la VW. Nu . Incalzirea globala provocata de masinile noastre. Asta-i o minciuna. Nu cred ca a fost vreuna mai gogonata in istoria omenirii. Si cu consecinte tragice pentru noi toti.
In primul rind ignora pe "responsabilul"cu incalzirea din sistemul nostru solar- Soarele-.
In al doilea rind, toate cheltuielile aste cu reducerea emisiei de CO2, Euro 3-5-5-6-7- etc noi le platim.
3. Eu la scola am invatat ca o cantitate mai mare de CO2 ajuta plantele sa creasca ca doar asta este hrana lor , nu?
4. O fabrica, o termocentrala pe carbune sau pacura ( apropo, ati vazut vreuna in plina actiune? Dar una cu catalizator pe cos?) polueaza infinit mai mult decit automobilele.
O noua metoda de jupuit populatia- taxe mai mari, schimba masina ca nu mai e buna, taxa de inmatriculare etc etc ..
Foarte dragut spotul. Pacat ca e vorba de o minciuna. Nu Co2 de la VW. Nu . Incalzirea globala provocata de masinile noastre. Asta-i o minciuna. Nu cred ca a fost vreuna mai gogonata in istoria omenirii. Si cu consecinte tragice pentru noi toti.
In primul rind ignora pe "responsabilul"cu incalzirea din sistemul nostru solar- Soarele-.
In al doilea rind, toate cheltuielile aste cu reducerea emisiei de CO2, Euro 3-5-5-6-7- etc noi le platim.
3. Eu la scola am invatat ca o cantitate mai mare de CO2 ajuta plantele sa creasca ca doar asta este hrana lor , nu?
4. O fabrica, o termocentrala pe carbune sau pacura ( apropo, ati vazut vreuna in plina actiune? Dar una cu catalizator pe cos?) polueaza infinit mai mult decit automobilele.
O noua metoda de jupuit populatia- taxe mai mari, schimba masina ca nu mai e buna, taxa de inmatriculare etc etc ..
The Moron of the day - Day 2
Atunci cind primesti in dar de la Creatorul tau un creier de 1,5 kg si nu-l folosesti, daca iti cade o cladire in cap si mori, tu esti singurul vinovat.
Atunci cind primesti in dar de la Creatorul tau un creier de 1,5 kg si nu-l folosesti, daca iti cade o cladire in cap si mori, tu esti singurul vinovat.
marți, 28 iunie 2011
Toti avem nevoie de ajutor.
Da, e adevarat.
Cu totii avem nevoie de ajutor la un moment dat.
Lumea asta a devenit din ce in ce mai complicata, viata curge parca pe fast-forward si nu avem timp suficient sa intelegem, nu avem vreme sa ne obisnuim cu schimbarile din tehnica, geo-politica, sanatate si din tot ce ne mai lovim zilnic.
Ca sa nu lungesc povestea inutil, daca aveti nevoie de un sfat in urmatoarele domenii in principal:
Crestinism, Dumnezeu, religie, sport, autoturisme, electrocasnice, electronice- sfaturi achizitie- intretinere etc., bebelusi, decizii morale-etice, politica, bijuterii, aur, diamante, recuperare metale pretioase, ceasuri samd,
Apelati fara nici o retinere. Raspunsul poate fi privat ( lasati o adresa de mail) sau public- va fi afisat pe blog. Voi incerca sa raspund in timp util( daca chestiunea in cauza necesita raspuns urgent, marcati mesajul ca atare).
In acelasi timp pe blog, in fiecare zi vor fi afisate link-uri sau texte pe care le gasesc interesante sau amuzante din punctul meu de vedere, in incercarea de a nu transforma vizita voastra intr-o pierdere de timp.
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